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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sylt Kakor (Jam Cookies)

These are delicious! Perfect for a picnic or at Christmas time.
Makes 30 cookies

4.5 dl flour
175 g softened butter
2 dl sugar
jam (strawberry, raspberry, or marionberry are best)

Mix all the ingredients in a food processor. Divide the dough in two and roll into logs (about the width of your thumb), cut into 7 mm pieces. Use your finger to create a little hole at the center of each cookie (do not go all the way through). Put the cookies on a cookie sheet with wax paper, and place in fridge for about an hour.
Take out your cookie sheet, and fill each cookie with a small spoonful of jam (do not overfill or it will leak out). Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes. They should be lightly golden on the bottom, but the top will not get much color. Leave them to cool on the cookie sheet or they will be too soft to move. Enjoy!

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