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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Snickerdoodles meet Chocolate and Chai!

I got the urge to use my kitchen aid tonight, as I often do late at night! I went to one of my favorite bloggers,! She has lots of great recipes you should check out. I found a great recipe on there for Chai Chocolate Snickerdoodles. I modified it a little from the original, as I often do so I don't have to run to the grocery store :). They were delicious! I'm thinking about making just chocolate snickerdoodles next time, I think that would be great too!


5 dl sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp cardamom
1/4 tsp crushed cloves
1/2 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp white pepper
225 butter, softened
1 dl cocoa powder
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract (vanilla sugar is fine too)
5 dl flour
1,5 tsp baking powder

Heat the oven to 350°F. Put baking paper on two cookie sheets.

Mix the sugar and all the spices in a large bowl (could be the bowl of your kitchen-aid, if you use one) and reserve 1 dl for later. Add the butter and beat with the sugar mix until very pale and fluffy.

Add the cocoa powder, and beat until completely mixed in. Add the eggs and the vanilla, keep on beating. Finally stir in the flour and the baking powder.

Roll balls, about walnut-size, and dip them in the reserved sugar-spice-mix. Place on a cookie sheet, and flatten slightly with your hand.
Bake for about 13 minutes, remove and let cool on a rack.


  1. LISA! put up conversions for the americans. No one knows what 1 dl is!!

  2. One dl is about 1/2 cup, a little less!
